Thursday, June 21, 2012

More than you EVER wanted to Know!.

     So it's been well over a year since  I gave this a shot... so here we go, one more time.  If you know me, you know I have a son with Asperger's. If you don't know me than maybe this will shed some light on some things for you.  My goal when this all started was to reach out and help families they may be struggling with some of the obstacles we are.
     I am just going to bare it all in no particular order, and not be afraid of being judged... Aiden is almost 11 years old, he was diagnosed  when he was 6 along with ADHD and Duane's refraction syndrome.  He is VERY high functioning, smart, creative, & loving. He is quirky to say the least and has no social filter at times.
He does not pick up on Social cues like most... But he has come quite a long way. He has no stranger danger. He wants to fit in so he tends to be a pleaser if it means he might be accepted. He is easily influenced. He is an incredible young man though who is sometimes misunderstood.
     Aiden loves computers, video games, legos, and inventing things. He has a few friends that are unconditional ... no matter what he does, they stick with him. He can be stubborn and rigid because he thinks everyone has the same interests as him so that is what they should talk about and play ALL the time. He has come a long way with this also.
     Our family tends to shy away from large social gatherings where people may not know us because it avoids stress anxiety for us. This is sometimes unfair to Macie (8) and Garrett (4). But we do the best we can. We would not trade our lives for anything! It's a gift and adventure. Bumpy as it can be, it's our path to make. We do not need fixing! As many people in our lives try and do.
      In the beginning we did not talk a lot about what was happening in our lives with many people.
We thought we had a handle on things. After all I had 10 years of  experience in Special education, I knew what to do, Right? WRONG. Being on the other side of the coin is a whole different ball game.
        We have tried our very best to give Aiden every intervention possible to help him learn coping skills as he navigates through every day life and school. He is currently in speech and sees a psychologist.  He is on 3 medications to help with symptoms. He has FABULOUS! days and okay days! Then there are the meltdown days (meltdowns are usually at home). He has not had a meltdown at school since Kindergarten. His behavior at school is really good. He has social and organizational struggles. Handwriting is a thorn in his side. He is good at flying under the radar most of the time. We call it falling through the cracks. He is so smart but is satisfied with the bare minimum when it comes to home work and turning in assignments. Our expectations are very high which he does not like because we PUSH him to be his best!
        So now here we are, it's summer. This week is awesome for Aiden! It's INVENTION CAMP! Everything Aiden loves all wrapped up in a week. Tomorrow will be the Inventor's showcase, where we get to see his imagination come to life. I am so excited, I can't wait!
         Let me know what you think!  Would you share my blog with others? Comment? share your  personal experiences? Once a week I have a goal to blog about some issues that come up with our family. I will share resources and books that have been helpful.  Please share this with anyone and everyone!
We are all in this together. If we can pay it forward and help each other things can only improve.

Until Next Time,



  1. Aiden is such an amazing boy..I love having conversations with him at school! I think it's wonderful that you are sharing your may not only help those dealing with the same circumstances, it may also help others understand more about Asperger's and what it means and looks like. Thank you!

    1. Thank You Amy! Your words mean so much to me. I appreciate your support! You and Katie have inspired me to try a blog.

  2. Beautifully written Amy! I know that this blog will be inspirational for others. You are an amazing woman, with an awesome family. It's so brave of you to "bare all"! I look forward to reading more about your adventures.

    1. Thank you! Katie. I must have read my post a thousand times wondering if it was okay. Thank you so much for the kind words. I hope I can really do it this time! Your support means a great deal to me!

  3. You brought tears to my eyes! You are such an unbelievably amazing and courageous Momma! What you are doing and sharing your story and journey is so inspiring. I am very proud to call you my friend and I will gladly share!

    1. Awww... Thanks Trish! Now I am the teary eyed one. How sweet! That means so much to me! Thanks for being in my corner.

  4. Saw your link on Katie's Facebook and will add you to my reading list. You sound like a terrific mama and Aiden sounds like a great kid.

    1. Thanks Kimberly! You are my first post/comment as a result of someone spreading the word.That is awesome!!! THANK YOU for taking the time to check it out and follow me!

  5. Congratulations on starting a blog and kudos to you for sharing your journey with your son. I know it can be hard but this was a beautiful post.

  6. Good luck to you and congrats on starting a blog! Starting it is the hardest part. I saw your link on Amy's fb page and will be reading along.
